National Aquaculture Development Alliance (NAQDA) has awarded the "Best Shrimp Hatchery in Sri Lanka" Award to King Aqua Services (Pvt) Ltd Shrimp Hatchery during the "Miridiya Waruna 2016" held on 23rd March 2016
Ministry of Development Strategies & International Trade with the collaboration with the Export Development Board have been organized An Awareness Programme on Sea food Exports & Aquaculture Investment Opportunities in Northern Province to establish 2000 new exporters.
NAQDA Chairman has visited King Aqua Services (Pvt) Ltd - Operations and Marketing Office, Feed Stores, Laboratory and Shrimp Hatchery on 13th February 2016 during his visit to Shrimp Industry in NWP of Sri Lanka.
Succesfully conducted the Staff training Programme on 03rd of August 2016.
King Aqua Services (Pvt) Ltd has been awarded with the following ISO Certifications for their Business Activities recently.
ISO 9001:2008 - Quality Management System
for the scope of activities such as lmport of shrimp hatchery and grow out farm feeds, aquaculture Mechineries, equipment, drugs and chemicals, wholesale distribution, retail sale and supply to forms.
Provision of aquaculture laboratory services to shrimp forms and hatcheries.
Operations related to shrimp hatchery and production of shrimp post larvae for sole to shrimp forms. Operations related to shrimp forms and production of shrimps for wholesalers and exporters.
ISO 22000:2005 - Food Safety Management System
for the scope of activities such as lmport of shrimp hatchery and grow out form feeds, aquaculture machineries, equipment, drugs & chemicals, wholesale distribution, retail sole and supply to farms. Provision of aquaculture laboratory services to shrimp farms & hatcheries", Operations related lo shrimp hatchery and production of shrimp post larvae for sale to shrimp farms. Operations related lo shrimp farms and production of shrimps for wholesalers and exporters.